Monday, 5 November 2012

I'm crazy and I know it *claps hands*

It has to be said, women will go to some crazy lengths for beauty. Burns from chemical peels, harsh products and sunbathing, skin cancer from sunbeds, chemicals constantly on our bodies and faces, on and around our eyes and lips, injected into our skin. The list goes on.

I'm not immune. I'll let you in on a secret beauty dream of mine: Daisy-the-Cow long lashes.

The dream, right?


For a long time I stuck to the 'safe' lash-growth enhancing serums:

Designer Brands Lash Food serum: uses peptides and moisturizing ingredients to condition lashes and promote growth. Kept my lashes in good condition, reduced breakage. Very cheap for AU$20! But didn't actually lengthen, so next came...

Glymed Plus Eyelash Power Treatment: also used peptides but in higher amounts; apparently also used an ingredients similar to that in Rogaine to encourage new growth and extend the life of existing lashes by preventing them from falling out. I definitely saw a difference, I'd say about a 20% improvement in length and condition, but little to no improvement in thickness. So, idiotically ignoring the warnings of irises changing colour and eye-safety concerns, i bought...

LiLash lash serum: this uses the ingredient prostaglandin, which has been essentially compared to the devil. Found in Rapidlash, Latisse and Revitalash as well, it can reportedly turn blue eyes brown and maybe even affect vision long-term, it also is meant to be super-effective at lengthening lashes and producing new growth. I'm only on my first week of use, but I'll check in and let you know whether my eyes have turned brown or I've gone blind!

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